Leap Into Healing

Leap Into Healing

Every step of growth, no matter how subtle, is a leap into healing.
— Tarek Ali

Today’s Leap

to get you healing

subscriber edition


Words of wisdom and insight to challenge the way you see yourself, your ‘flaws’, and your circumstances. These episodes provide a new perspective to help hard times feel like the greatest blessings, full of lessons.

  • When life threw me into a whirlwind of stress and responsibility, I found myself questioning the spirit, searching for a glimmer of purpose in the chaos. What unfolded was a profound journey, one that we unpack in this intimate conversation, revealing the transformative power of perspective during life's most trying times. Together, we explore the idea that challenges are not merely trials but lessons in disguise, orchestrated by a spirit that has our best interests at heart. Our dialogue becomes a heartfelt reminder that every obstacle is a catalyst for growth, poised to prepare us for what's next.

    Sharing personal anecdotes and the wisdom gained from them, we offer a fresh lens through which to view your own struggles. This episode is a guide to navigating the emotional storms and stresses with grace and resilience, emphasizing the importance of balance and self-care. As we discuss how hardships are exercises meant to strengthen our patience and faith, you'll find encouragement to shift your mindset and embrace these seasons of growth. Tune in as we inspire you to find the lessons hidden in life's tumultuous times, fostering a sense of steadfast hope and inner peace.

    — Tarek Ali, founder of Leap Into Healing

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           what is 

Leap into Healing

An initiative to heal the world through technology & media.


First founded by Tarek Ali, who is now establishing the Leap Into Healing Collective: a network of healers, physicians, psychologists, therapists, filmmakers, software engineers, entrepreneurs, and more joining forces to strategize different ways to spread healing around the world—through media & technology.


Providing tools and resources for healing with the subscriber-edition of the #1 podcast healing millions, “THAT Conversation with Tarek Ali.”

The first step